onde nos leva a arte

domingo, 1 de março de 2009

Dustin Lance Black

Melhor Argumento Original, Milk, 2009

I wanna thank my mom, who has always loved me for who I am even when there was pressure not to. But most of all, if Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he'd want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told that they are less than by their churches, by the government or by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights federally, across this great nation of ours. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you, God, for giving us Harvey Milk.

2 comentários:

ameixa seca disse...

Por acaso vi e ouvi o discurso em directo e, não estivessem todos a dormir, eu batia palmas também :)
Mas, ainda não vi o filme!!!

Joana Amoêdo disse...

Tens de ver :)